BVL - Bundesvereinigung Logistik

BVL - Bundesvereinigung Logistik

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage

Bremen, Bremen 27,609 followers

The Network for Supply Chain and Logistics Pros

About us

The mission of nonprofit BVL International founded in 1978 is to act as a neutral platform to promote awareness for the importance of logistics and supply chain management in industry, science and the public eye. BVL systematically documents logistical problem definitions, develops methods and processes to solve these problems on an interdisciplinary and sector-focused basis and promotes and continuously optimises the application of the relevant solutions. Today, BVL has more than 11,000 members - companies and individuals from the worlds of industry, commerce, services and science who are actively involved in the business of logistics and supply chain management. BVL is a primarily honorary network of experts supporting the exchange of knowledge and ideas among its members. At the same time, BVL consciously avoids representing corporate interests, does not act as a lobbyist and has no agenda in the political field.

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage
Company size
11-50 employees
Bremen, Bremen
Transfer of Logistics and SCM Knowhow, Networking, Conferences and events on Logistics and SCM, Logistics Education, Promoting Logitics and Supply Chain Management, and Digitalization


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